Sometimes there are moments when you think that your work is going to get published and you unfortunately get the NO BUTTON. So I decided to put some of my unpublished on this page of my website. Sometimes you have to look out for the stories that don't always get published, they are still stories and sometimes they got to be heard. CHECK THEM OUT!!!
Calvary Breaks Ground on New Ball Field
Unfortunately since there wont be a published article in the Clearwater Beacon this week, I thought I would start posting my unpublished work here on my blog. This can me a motivation to get things done faster and with greater organization. For one of my first pieces, it will be sports related. As this is the next for this school and sports program, I will consider this my next step with both my website and journalism. Within this post I have photos that would have been published this week in a newspaper. Check them out and comment. For privacy reasons, certain faces have been blurred. I must respect the wishes of the individuals who asked for this to be done. Please do the same. Comment back.
All the Best:
All the Best:
This group of people made the ground breaking for a new baseball field at Calvary Christian school. From left to right: David Kilgore-Head School at Calvary Christian, Jim Flammer-School Board Chairman at Calvary Christian, William Rice-Senior pastor at Calvary Christian Church in Clearwater, (Center) Joy Gills, Greg Theil-Athletic Director at Calvary Christian, Dr. Pitt Gills. (Right) Greg Olsen Head Coach of Calvary Christian Baseball. Dr. Gills graciously donated the money to have the field built and recently contributed to the schools new 9,000 square foot athletic facility built and completed in the summer of 2011. The field will completed for the Eagles 2013 baseball season.
Olsen Breaks GroundHead coach of the Calvary Christian baseball team Greg Olsen breaks ground on where the Eagles baseball team will play during the 2013 baseball season.
The Field of DreamsThis is an artists sketch of what the field will look like once completed before the start of the 2013 baseball season. One defining feature is that the field will be completely covered with ProGrass 5 Baseball Blend artificial turf. This turf will serve for both the infield, baselines, warning track and batting box.